Password Skills Plus builds on the security measures already in the Password Skills test.
There is a large databank of questions which ensures that every test taken is different and unique. As tests are downloaded, questions are randomly selected so that no two test takers get the same test.
Our partners, world-leading proctors Meazure Learning (formerly Examity), provide online human invigilation coupled with proctor assistive software to ensure test integrity. Highly trained proctors check test takers’ identity, environment and also undertake PC checks of software and hardware. Test takers are then monitored throughout the entire test session. Each test is recorded and videos are reviewed by both Meazure Learning and the experienced Password team.
Each test profile is reviewed and any anomalies investigated. Only tests passing our stringent checks are uploaded on to our validation portal.
Results reports in the validation portal include sound files from the speaking test, which can be used by institutions to further verify test takers’ identity.