Tests and test modules for higher education
There are six standard Password tests which have been designed specifically for universities and colleges.
Password Skills
Password Skills is an English language proficiency test for university admission. It fulfils all Home Office requirements for admission to undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the UK. The test is aligned to the CEFR and reliably assesses the four skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking. The test is also used in various countries around the world to assess non-native English language teachers.
Password Skills Receptive
Password Skills Receptive is used to assess students at the end of a foundation, pre-sessional, pre-Masters or other pre-university (pathway) programme. The test enables institutions who have well-developed speaking and writing assessments to augment their in-house testing with reliable CEFR aligned reading and listening assessments.
Password Knowledge
Password Knowledge is used to assess new students to ensure they have the English language skills necessary to successfully undertake their programmes of study. Students needing in-sessional support are identified quickly and cost-effectively. The test is aligned to the CEFR and delivers extremely accurate and reliable results
Password Knowledge and Writing
Password Knowledge and Writing is amongst the most widely used English language assessments for admission into university preparation (pathway) programmes. The test is aligned to the CEFR.
Password Reading and Writing
Password Reading and Writing is used for various purposes including for admission to Higher National Diploma (HND) and vocational university programmes. It is also often used to assess the reading and writing abilities of students who are returning to education. The test is aligned to the CEFR.
Password Maths
Password Maths is used both for admission and to assess new students on arrival. It consists of a choice of different test modules set at different levels.

Password Bespoke
Tests can also be customised according to an institution’s specific requirements. There are six test modules which can be combined in various ways: