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Password Plus test disqualification appeal

This page is for test takers who have been disqualified following a recent Password Skills Plus test.
Please note, you can only appeal your test within 14 days of receiving your disqualification email and only one appeal is permitted per test.

1. Send an email to with the below information:
    –    the email address that you used when you bought your test (and to which the appeal decision will be sent)
    –    your full name
    –    your date of birth
    –    the test login sent to you
    –    the reason of your appeal
    –    provide evidence to support your appeal
2. Make payment of £50 (excluding VAT) using the link below
3. Your test will then undergo a second review by a different reviewer and you will be notified of the outcome by email within 5 working days
4. If your appeal is successful, the appeal fee will be refunded to you

Password Skills Plus Appeal
This is to appeal a Password Skills Plus disqualification.
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