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Organised fraud, systematic cheating and differing cultural attitudes to test taker behaviour create major problems for universities each year when students are enrolled with insufficient English language ability to successfully engage in their studies.

The Password Skills Plus test deters, detects, and disqualifies test taker cheating.
World class service & support
Accurate and reliable at home testing

The Password Skills Plus test is a version of the well proven and highly reliable Password Skills test, which has been used by hundreds of universities for admission purposes since its launch in 2015. Password Skills Plus is securely delivered online in test takers’ own homes.

Secure online invigilation by Meazure Learning

Working in partnership with world-leading proctors Meazure Learning, each test is securely invigilated and recorded using both human proctors and proctor assistive software before being reviewed by our own expert team. Invigilators are highly trained and randomly selected.

Our technology & the platform
Easily accessible online validation portal

Test results are easily verified by our free online validation portal, which is user friendly. Results show Password scores and CEFR levels and institutions can also access test takers’ writing and speaking sound files to gain further insight into their English language ability.

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